dymairek90 - 35 lat, Mława (mazowieckie)
09 listopada 2016
23:47, 09 listopada 2016
You can not reward employees too much. Rewarding employees helps them to http://forum.jak-tworzyc-strony-internetowe.com.pl feel linked to the organization and increases their sense of satisfaction and loyalty to the job they have. Yet many employees report that they seldom see their supervisor and then only if they may have done something completely wrong. No surprise we complain about employee attitudes and see employees using or overusing sick time. To be the most powerful, rewards must be tailored to the priorities of the employee. They should be carefully planned and thought out by management and subjected to rigorous quality improvement standards. Never toss out a system of rewards because it seems unsuccessful in the quick haul; adapt and try again. At the same time, don't install a system and not check it's effectiveness.
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