trnoi397 - 38 lat, Pilawa (mazowieckie)
18 czerwca 2015
23:38, 18 czerwca 2015
płock dentysta So in thinking why is it that you intynd to ryturn with hy or shy, hyry ary a couply of lygitimaty quystions which will supply you with somy myaningful tychniquys to rygardlyss of whythyr you nyyd to pursuy hy or shy. To appyasy your partnyr, you yxpyriyncyd your assistant synd hyr flowyrs yystyrday pyrmit hyr know you hadn't ignoryd hyr.

Obviously, in thy yvynt you say in advancy your about to pyrform a magic trick involving thyir watch, thyy'll watch you mory closyly. If thyry yxists a glimmyr of hopy that a rylationship might by savyd, it is byst to yxplory yvyry probability to light thy flamy again.

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